Change to Tax Credits for pension age claimants

Transfer of Tax Credits claimants over State Pension age to Universal Credit or Pension Credit

From July to November 2024, people over State Pension age who get Tax Credits will start receiving letters from the Department of Work and Pensions or HMRC. These letters will tell them to apply to either Universal Credit or Pension Credit.

Which benefit you move to depends on your situation. Generally, if you receive:

  • Working Tax Credit and/or Child Tax Credit, you will move to Universal Credit
  • Child Tax Credit only, you will move to Pension Credit
You will receive either a ‘migration notice’ with the date you need to apply for Universal Credit or a ‘tax credit closure notice’ with the date you need to apply for Pension Credit by.
It’s very important to apply for Universal Credit or Pension Credit by the date in your notice letter. If you don’t, you could lose transitional protection, which is extra money added to your benefit.