Enfield Carers Centre is a non profit organisation and so every penny that is raised to bolster our “core funds” means another penny that can be allocated to supporting our carers. That’s why we are grateful to those who support us by putting some spare change in our collection tins, or a donation of a few pounds, (If you are able to use gift aid, your donation increases at no additional cost for you!).

Leave a Legacy

Many organisations receive funding via donations from wills. If this is something that you may be interested in doing please call: 020 8366 3677 or email: info@enfieldcarers.org for more advice and information.

Fundraise for Us

Do you have any ideas that could help raise funds for ECC, or can you give a small donation?

Any money raised via the generosity of donations or fundraising allows us greater flexibility to take actions to further develop our services. Therefore, we are always appreciative of the support offered within the local community supporting our work. We do not have a dedicated fundraiser, on the team, so any help that you could give us would be greatly appreciated.

Some of our Fundraising events in the past have included;

  • Bag packing at local supermarkets
  • A Dinner and Dance
  • Family Fun Day
  • Raffles and auctions
  • Best Cafe Breakfast Competition
  • School non-uniform days
  • Zumba Marathon

If you have any ideas and would like to work with us to organise something, please contact us on: 020 8366 3677 or email: info@enfieldcarers.org

Thank you for your support!

Get involved


Whether it’s a monthly or a one-off donation, every little helps

Leave a Legacy

Remember us in your will

Fundraise for Us
Coffee mornings, raffles, quizzes