Community Advice Hub
Place-based Partnership Category
At the highly prestigious ‘Health Service Journal’ Awards, on 17th November 2022, the partnership of Community Advice Hub (CAH) received a High Commendation Award in the “Place-based Partnership Category”.

The CAH team was represented by Helen Saunders, Head of Partnerships and Planning, North Middlesex University Hospital, Alice Myers, Connected Communities Coach, Haringey Council and Mark Warwick, Health & Wellbeing Manager, Enfield Carers Centre, at the Award Ceremony.
Unsung Hero Category
The whole team has worked hard at establishing this service over the last twelve months or so, and it was especially pleasing as this was the second award the CAH has won this year, with the first being Runners Up at the North Middlesex Hospital Staff Awards in the Unsung Hero category.

The Community Advice Hub operates at North Middlesex University Hospital, and is an integrated, person-centred partnership which works to bring community services into the hospital setting, providing patients, visitors and staff with a wealth of essential community services at a convenient, busy location.
Patients, staff and visitors to the hospital can visit the Hub to get advice and support in many areas including Money, Debt & Benefits, Housing, Carers Support, Council Tax, Accessing Baby Items, Managing Energy Bills, Childcare and other Community Groups and Services.
The Hub operates a ‘no wrong door’ approach, so all clients are welcome and signposted to the right service regardless of which organisation is attending on that day.
The Hub is based on the ground floor of North Middlesex Hospital, near the main entrance and is open Monday to Friday from 10am to 4pm.