Enfield Council Charging Policy Review 2024. Does it affect you? What can you do?

If someone is contributing towards their social care, but is not self-funding the whole amount, then it is important to ensure that all Disability Related Expenditure (DRE) is recognised.

DRE is any money being spent on costs that they wouldn’t have if they didn’t have their disability, (such as wheelchair maintenance, guide dog food or incontinence pads).

As social care contributions are based on the amount of money someone has after allowances for essential living costs it wouldn’t be fair to consider that money they use to meet their needs as available to use towards their contribution, so DRE is taken off of the amount they pay.

If they already have some DRE recognised then they can ask for additional to be considered, without having to go through a whole reassessment.

We have been informed by some carers that they are being told that they can’t add on any additional DRE without a reassessment, however, the Local Authority Policy states in both the current, and also the proposed, Living at Home Charging booklet 24-25, P9 para 2.5:

“Assessing Disability Related Expenditure

If you are being financially assessed for the first time, you will receive a full DRE assessment as part of your financial assessment, you will be sent a DRE Assessment form, with details of how to get help if you need it.

If you are an existing service user and feel that you have DRE that hasn’t been included, or the rate currently included is incorrect, you can send us details of any additional expenditure you would like us to consider. Any previously evidenced items of DRE can be retained. Alternatively, you can ask us to carry out a full DRE assessment.”

This highlights that the decision to be reassessed should be the service user’s decision, not the local authority’s, and it is acceptable to ask that just additional items be considered.