Looking After the Health of Enfield Residents

Are you, someone you know, or the person that you care for, looking to give a boost to your/their health and wellbeing? 

If so, the Enfield Wellbeing Network may be the place for you.

We are a partnership of trusted and experienced local community organisations who have come together to help people aged over 18 to achieve realistic goals which will improve their health and manage long term conditions.

Who can apply for help?

Anyone can contact us for an initial assessment to see if our service can help with their health and wellbeing needs.

For example you may need help with:

  • finding and attending local exercise classes
  • stopping smoking
  • access to support for weight loss
  • advice on healthy eating
  • advice and support in self-management of long-term conditions such as Diabetes or Dementia; COPD or mental ill health.

If you already have a care plan, receive a direct payment or get support from Enfield Council you may not be able to get support from this service.

Self-management encourages you to:

  • find out more about your condition
  • learn new skills and tools to help you manage your health
  • work better, and in partnership, with your health care professionals
  • take charge of your health and choose what is right for you
  • get support from other people in a similar situation to you

Self-management could mean you keep a diary about your health and how you feel. You can make a note of what helps you improve your health or prevent it from getting worse.

People who know more about certain health matters (Professionals or Specialists) could also teach you skills and tell you more ways of caring for your health.  This can be done at home or other places.  It will help you feel better and prevent your health from getting worse.

Health Buddies

Our Health Buddies will work with you to create your own personal health plan, help you to find relevant services and even escort you to your first session if you require support.

How will it work?

Once you have contacted us, you will be invited to have a chat with one of our Health and Wellbeing workers, who will make an initial assessment to see if our service can help. If so, we will assess your level of need, devise a support plan with you and then provide support accordingly.

This may include working one to one with you over a time limited period (maximum 12-weeks) to help you set achievable goals to improve your health and wellbeing and look after yourself.

You may be matched with one of our trained Volunteer Health and Wellbeing Buddies/Befrienders, or a staff member to help you achieve your health and wellbeing goals.

Look out in our newsletter and on this website  for our community health and wellbeing workshops and training sessions.  Packed full of helpful health and wellbeing information it would be lovely to see you there.

This service is for Carers and the person(s) you care for.

Our service is now accepting referrals, call: 020 8366 3677 or email: wellbeing@enfieldcarers.org for more information.

You can read and print the Enquiry form or you can fill in the MS Word Enquiry form digitally.

Self-management encourages you to:

  • find out more about your condition
  • learn new skills and tools to help you manage your health
  • work better, and in partnership, with your health care professionals
  • take charge of your health and choose what is right for you
  • get support from other people in a similar situation to you

Talking to somebody who understands can help you to cope and feel better

The partners delivering the Enfield Wellbeing Network are: