Bereaved Carers Group

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Grief is a natural reaction to losing a person you care about.

There’s no “correct way” to grieve. Experiences of grief are unique.

Grieving can be painful. It can’t be instantly fixed and it won’t just disappear. However grief and heartache will lessen and there will come a time in the future where you will be able to cope better with your loss.

ECC run a therapeutic Bereavement Group and have supported many bereaved Carers over several years.

This group discusses the Seven Stages of Grief and provides a safe and supportive space for bereaved carers to talk, share or just listen. Shock & Denial, Pain & Guilt, Bargaining, Depression, The Upward Turn, Acceptance & Hope, Reflection

Face to face only

Call 020 8366 3677 or email to book a place

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