Learning Difficulties and Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Carers Support Group

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Find out more about what services are available locally to support children and adults with LD & Autism.

7th June: Our Voice & Zebras: Find out about the Our Voice parent support group and Zebras Charity’s day services for adults and children with disabilities.

2nd August: What are examples of learning difficulties, learning disabilities and the autistic spectrum and caring for them.

To book your place or get the online joining details, call 020 8366 3677 or email info@enfieldcarers.org to book your place.

To join our Zoom support group:

Click:     https://us02web.zoom.us/j/9443151703    OR  Call:  020 3051 2874   and enter the Meeting Id:   944 315 1703  #

Usually first Friday of alternate months

CAPE: 10th June: Housing Options for those with Learning Disabilities
CAPE: 5th August: Topic to be confirmed
CAPE meetings: Monday of every other month (unless a Bank Holiday) from 10am-12:30pm at Park Avenue, Disability Resource Centre, Park

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