Learning Difficulties and Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Carers Support Group

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Find out more about what services are available locally to support children and adults with LD & Autism.

28th February 2025 (Carers of children under 18 with a learning disability)
Discussion Topic: Can children with LD get a blue badge or mobility component of DLA?

25th April 2025 (Carers of adults over 18 with learning disabilities)
Discussion Topic: Insight to how decisions are made for Personal Independance Payments with a focus on those with LD

27th June 2025 (Carers of children under 18 with a learning disability)
Discussion Topic: Where does parental responsibility end and caring start?

Use our forms to request or cancel your booking for this event or call 020 8366 3677 or email info@enfieldcarers.org.

To join our Zoom support group:

Click:     https://us02web.zoom.us/j/9443151703    OR  Call:  020 3051 2874   and enter the Meeting Id:   944 315 1703  #

Usually first Friday of alternate months

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