Managing money and understanding benefit entitlements can be difficult and confusing for adults let alone Young Carers. What is an underlying entitlement? How does claiming one benefit impact on others being claimed?

Many Young Carers are helping to run the family household and managing the budget is one of the most stressful parts of this, particularly if there is not enough money to go round.

You can:

  • attend our Money Management and budgeting sessions
  • ask one of the team to make an appointment to make sure you and your parents are getting all you are entitled to
  • ask us for a food bank voucher if things get difficult
  • work with our Young Carers team to help you to find a job if you are old enough although we may still need your parents’ permission
  • ask the team to tell any adult carers in your home about our ‘Access to Work’ sessions

If you are a Young Carer, living in Enfield or caring for someone living in Enfield, we can help you.

Ask us for help if you or your family are struggling with money problems.

Contact our team and we will do our best to help.

Common Financial Questions

Young Carers may find these money tips useful.

You are not alone.