How many Carers are there in Enfield?
It is estimated that there are over 30,000 unpaid carers within Enfield.
No two caring roles are the same and no two carers are the same. We offer a wide range of services to allow all carers to have a life outside of caring and enable carers to balance their own life needs as well as their caring role.
Whilst many carers happily care for their loved ones without any outside assistance there may come a time when a carer needs one of the following:
- A break from caring
- Help to prepare for care after a hospital admission
- Advice and information (legal, financial, practical or otherwise)
- Professional services e.g. care agency services, aids and adaptations, residential home
- A social services assessment
- Practical training such as manual handling or first aid
- Emotional support e.g. counselling or helpful tips for stress management

Enfield Carers Centre is here to help carers at every stage of their caring journey. So whether a person has just started looking after someone or has been caring for many years, our team is here to listen or offer guidance and support. We understand that the maze of welfare benefits, health and social care services can be daunting.
We can help carers to understand and consider what options they have; whether in terms of juggling work and care or if considering moving the person they care for into supported living or residential accommodation.
We understand that caring can be quite draining and stressful at times. Carers can experience a range of emotions such as grief, guilt and anger when providing intensive support. Our well-being workshops, counselling and support groups are a great way to help carers work reduce stress, reflect on their own needs and to feel better supported.
We offer social activities, opportunities to meet other carers, relaxation sessions opportunities for some “me time”; as well as practical advice and information most relevant for carers to know.
We’re determined to improve the lives of carers. We aim to do this by ensuring that:
- carers’ needs are recognised
- carers know and understand their rights
- carers have their voices heard
- carers know where to go for support, advice and help