What is the Ican Service?

The iCan Service is a free, confidential service which aims to improve the health and wellbeing of adults who are living in Enfield.

Enfield Carers Centre is working in with Age UK Enfield to deliver the iCan service.  This project consists of four iCan Navigators across Enfield and surrounding areas, supporting people with dementia, diabetes, stroke survivors, those who are susceptible to falls, those who are socially isolated or need end of life care.

This service is open both to Carers and their family members (over 18).

What does the service do?

The iCan Service aims to improve the health and wellbeing of vulnerable adults by ensuring they have the provision of personalised coordinated care and support across a network of providers.

The service focuses on improving the self-management of their health conditions and reducing their need to use GP and hospital services.

The Navigators work with service users in a holistic manner and identify their physical, emotional, psychological, social and practical needs. They then support them in accessing other resources, facilities and services which are available to them and assist in improving their wellbeing.

The type of support offered includes:

  • assisting with access to benefits
  • enabling access to health and social care services
  • enabling access to community services
  • helping people to self-manage their condition
  • help in making social connections
  • advising on lifestyle choices, healthy eating
  • helping access power of attorney advice
  • supporting the development of end-of-life plans
  • running awareness events
  • running peer support groups in the community

How to get support from ECC’s iCan Navigator

The iCan Navigator at ECC will provide support and information to Enfield Residents who fall into the following categories:

  • 18 plus
  • dementia (diagnosed over 1yr)
  • strokes, Diabetes, Falls, social isolation, end of life
  • common multiple health needs such as: cancer, mental ill health, learning disability, MS.

The iCan Service is a project which is aimed at supporting vulnerable adults to remain living healthily and independently in the community, it is aimed at adults of all ages.

For more information contact:

iCan Service on:  020 8366 3677 or email: ican@enfieldcarers.org