Autism is a life-long developmental condition affecting how individuals living with autism communicate, interact with others and how they interpret or experience the world around them.

People living with autism may:

  • not be able to communicate verbally
  • have need for structure and/or routine
  • display behaviour which may challenge
  • experience sensory difficulties which may result in meltdowns or shutdowns
  • display or engage in repetitive behaviour
  • passionately engage in special interests

Autism Together has created this short immersive video below, filmed from a first-person perspective, to give the viewer an idea of what it might be like for a person with autism who experiences auditory, physical or visual hypersensitivity in their sensory processing, in experiencing noisy, busy, everyday environments.

Croydon Drop In created ‘A For Autism’ - a beautifully illustrated guide specifically written for practitioners, parents and people who care about children and young people with autism. It is a practical handbook that shares learning, helps answer some of the questions people may have previously been afraid to ask, and provides tools, resources and ideas.

Autism Together has created this short immersive video below, filmed from a first-person perspective, to give the viewer an idea of what it might be like for a person with autism who experiences auditory, physical or visual hypersensitivity in their sensory processing, in experiencing noisy, busy, everyday environments.

Ambitious about Autism has created the ‘Transition to Employment’ toolkit, developed to support those working with young people with autism to understand their needs and help them onto the job ladder, or into further training or education.

The toolkit includes resources for employers, post-16 careers and employability professionals and for young people with autism themselves.

Visit the website Transition to employment toolkit | Ambitious about Autism for details.

With the help of people with autism and their families, the National Autistic Society has created some handy tips for support.