We understand that as a Carer your finances may be under pressure depending on your personal circumstances. There are a number of options that might be available to you and we’ll help you access these wherever possible.
Try the Benefits Calculator to review your current entitlements.
If you are inquiring about claiming PIP, try this helpful PIP tool from turn2us
Read on and contact us if you need assistance.
Help from Enfield Carers Centre
Enfield Carers Centre can offer help and advice with some benefits and form filling.
Please call 020 8366 3677 to talk to one of the team about how we can help you.
Note: as there is a wating list for this service, we are unable to facilitate last minute requests to meet imminent deadlines.
The information below gives details of where else you may be able to get benefits advice or assistance.
Enfield Connections – Explain that you are a family/unpaid Carer referred by Enfield Carers Centre and ask specifically for an appointment with the Citizen Advice’s special appointment calendar that Enfield Connections have access to.
Mind in Enfield – for mental health service users/Carers only. They prefer referrals to come from a Mental Health professional or the GP, so ask your GP or MH keyworker/Care Coordinator to make a referral for you/your loved one
Email: adviceteam@mind-in-enfield.org.uk or telephone 0208 906 7505
Age UK (for Pensionable Age Claims only) Tel: 0208 375 4120.
Info, Advice & Advocacy service can help those receiving pensions with a wide range of issues, including understanding entitlement to benefits and help you to claim.
Macmillan Cancer Benefit Advice Project for Cancer patients (provided by Barnet Citizens Advice): 0208 440 4227 Outreach sessions by appointment only at: Chase Farm and North Middlesex hospitals.
Enfield Council’s Welfare Benefits Team. Council’s “Welfare Advice and Debt Support” team – available at Edmonton Green and Enfield town Libraries. They can help people to apply for certain benefits (see below) and check that you’re receiving what you’re entitled to. The Welfare Advice and Debt Support team provide support to vulnerable residents to help them maximise their income and get their full entitlement to welfare benefits.
The Council’s team advise and assist residents with council debts, such as:
> Council Tax arrears
> Rent arrears
> Housing Benefit overpayments
> Adult social care debts
The Council’s team will book an appointment at a time that is convenient for you and an officer. This meeting will either be over the phone, at home or at one of the council locations, such as the Enfield Civic Centre, Edmonton Green Library and other locations.
If you’re interested in their services, please complete their referral form.
Claiming Benefits
Understanding your benefit entitlements can be difficult. What is an underlying entitlement? How does claiming one benefit impact on others being claimed?
If you are a Carer, living in Enfield or caring for someone living in Enfield, we have advisers who can explain your options and help you understand your entitlements and support you throughout your application.