NHS Coordinate my Care

Coordinate My Care | Urgent Care Plan
Patients and their carers can record their wishes in their personal care planned called “MyCMC Plan”.
What is CMC?
Coordinate My Care puts the patient at the heart of planning your urgent medical care: by making sure that their wishes are taken into account by everyone who will be looking after them.
You create a CMC urgent care plan, together with a doctor or nurse. It includes important information about someone’s illness, how and where they’d like to be cared for and people to contact in an emergency.
Then the information is shared with all the health professionals who might be involved in treating them, such as 111, your out of hours GP, the ambulance paramedics and the doctors and nurses in the Emergency Department.
So everyone knows what their diagnosis is, what they need, what they want, what their clinical team recommends, and in an urgent or emergency situation, everyone can take it all into account.
There is a an example of a patient’s view of a care plan with friends, family and healthcare professionals included.
How do I get started to create my CMC care plan for the person I am looking after or for myself?
Please see the CMC Patient Overview brochure to see what is involved with setting up the care plan.
The easiest way to create a MyCMC plan is using the Coordinate My Care website (Patients section). You can start, resume or view your own care plan from here.
They will need some personal information about the person whom the care plan is for, and their care preferences, and then their doctor or nurse will add the medical information we need.
You can do your bit all in one go, or in stages (your log-in details will remain active for a 28 day period, so we’ll keep what you put in, and you can come back and pick up where you left off during that time period).
You can do it on your own or with family and friends, in your own home, and in your own time. And you’ll find helpful videos on the site to guide you through the process.
For a full step-by-step guide, see this booklet for more help on how to set up your CMC personal care plan, online.
The link to the Patient Care Plan is : https://www.coordinatemycare.co.uk/for-patients/mycmc/
Always make sure you obtain consent from the person who’s medical information you share.