Our Local Delivery Partners
We are pleased to work in partnership with local organisations to provide respite in emergency, and also replacement care when Carers want to attend our events or activities.
- Age UK Enfield. ECC is now working in partnership with Age UK Enfield as part of the iCan Social Prescribers Project and has an iCan Navigator based at the Centre full time since November 2020.
- Alpha Care is a homecare service run by Enfield Greek and Greek Cypriot Association of Enfield. The service delivers quality homecare services to people across the community and provides a “Home from Hospital Service” for people adjusting to being back home after being discharged from acute hospital care.
Enfield Carers Centre also works with a range of organisations across all sectors in Enfield to ensure that Carer’s voices are heard and their needs are taken into account. We believe that it is important that Carers are high on the agenda of the strategic planning and delivery of services across the borough and to do this we need to be visible and vocal.
We are involved with a wide range of cross sector groups and forums including:
- Carers Partnership Board
- Mental Health Partnership Board
- Learning Disability Partnership Board
- Older People’s Partnership Board
- Voluntary Sector Strategy Group
- Carers Hub
- Dementia Action Alliance
- NCL Integrated Care Board Voluntary & Community Sector Reference Group
- VCS Prevention and Early Intervention Steering group
- Health and Wellbeing Board
- Enfield Mental Health Subgroup
- Enfield Wellbeing Network Board
- Age UK Enfield I-Can Board
- Task and Finish Group on Contingency Planning
- Equal Access Group (Royal Free)
- Carers Ambassadors Group
- Community Advice Hub Partners Meeting
- Keeping People Healthy Board
- Care Charging Advocacy Group

We are always looking for Carers Ambassadors to sit on the various partnership boards and present the carer’s viewpoint on the policy and planning of services in Enfield. If you would like more information about this please look at the Volunteer pages or complete the Contact Us form.