Restoring Enfield’s Rivers – volunteers invited
Restoring Enfield’s Rivers is a joint project led by Thames21 and Enfield Council which aims to improve the rivers and wetlands of Enfield in collaboration with local people.
One focus of the project is health and wellbeing and they are building nature prescribing pathways to link people to the project who could benefit from joining our activities.

There are many ways to be involved. Look at the Thames21 website for all the opportunities but here are a couple of examples:
- Join one of the Wild Walks (guided wildlife walks doing some tree identification and birdwatching as you walk around the site of the Trees for Rivers Project)
- Or add your energy to River Action Days where people can join as volunteers to improve rivers and wetlands by doing clean-ups, gathering data on rubbish accumulation on the tidal Thames, managing vegetation and planting trees.
Activities are in several local sites e.g. Pymmes Park, Turkey Street and Enfield Chase to name a few.
- love and want to know more about and/or improve our local environment
- love being outdoors (whatever the weather)
- enjoy having an active part in improving rivers and wetlands by doing clean-ups, managing vegetation and planting trees as well as guided wildlife walks.
See the Thames21 Events Calendar for the latest events near you!
You can also join their mailing list by clicking this link to get regular updates about their events.