Universal Credit migration

Universal Credit Migration Notice

The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) is sending out notice letters to people on legacy benefits including Tax Credits. People claiming these benefits are being moved to Universal Credit, which the DWP wants to replace the older benefits such as ESA, Tax Credits, and more.

It is important to note that you don’t need to claim Universal Credit if you’ve only received a leaflet from DWP telling you to get ready for Universal Credit. Wait until you receive a letter with a deadline.

If you’ve received a Universal Credit migration notice letter

If you have received a notice letter, make sure you understand the deadline that has been provided.

Here are important things to know about deadlines:

  • The deadline to migrate to Universal Credit will be three months after the date the notice letter was sent
  • Your legacy benefits will stop after this deadline
  • Make a successful claim for Universal Credit by the deadline
  • The timing of that claim can be important so that you can prevent gaps between claims
You can use the Turn2US website to search for an adviser from other charities and organisations, who can help you with more information or advice.