Our Young Carers are amazing! We spoke to three who told us what caring is like for them. You can read their accounts below.

A Young Adult Carer’s Story

Louise is 24 and has cared for her brother Harry his entire life “I became a carer the moment my brother, Harry, was born. At 24, I’m six
years older than him, meaning I’ve been a carer for 18 years.”

Young Carers’ Stories

“I was nearly two when my brother and sisters were born. But I started caring at the age of four.” Josie

“I am a triplet with my sister Phoebe and Amelia. I was about four when I started caring for them.” Jamie

If you would like to talk to somebody about being a young carer please call, WhatsApp or text the EyPIC Team on: 07809 332106 or
email: youngcarers@enfieldcarers.org

Jessica’s individual story video: