“No Wrong Doors for Young Carers”

“No Wrong Doors for Young Carers” is a template Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) designed to improve joint working between adult and children’s social care services, integrated care boards and other key organisations in respect of identification and support for young carers and their families. It covers a range of areas such as identification, whole-family approaches to support and transitions from children’s to adult services.

The 4th version of “No Wrong Doors for Young Carers” was published in February 2024. This was on the back of a national review and refresh of the MoU carried out by Carers Trust on behalf of the Local Government Association and Association of Directors of Adult Social Services as Partners in Care and Health. The findings of this review can be found in the attached insights briefing.

Download the “No Wrong Doors for Young Carers Memorandum of Understanding”

To support the implementation, Carers Trust have provided a range of resources to help local systems implement the ‘No Wrong Doors for Young Carers’ MoU:

No Wrong Doors for Young Carers – Implementation Guidance
– No Wrong Doors for Young Carers – Briefing note
– No Wrong Doors for Young Carers – Suggested to-do list
– Transitions Assessment – Checklist
– Young Carers Needs Assessment – Checklist

Other resources to support implementation of “No Wrong Doors for Young Carers:
The Care Act and Whole-family approaches

To find out more about this work, contact the Carers Trust Policy team via policy@carers.org.