Gold ECC Carers Registration Card

The ECC Gold Card can be used as proof that you are a carer registered with Enfield Carers Centre . If you don’t have your gold ECC Carers Registration Card, please contact us on 020 8366 3677, email us a clear head and shoulders “selfie” or send in a passport picture and we’ll make you a card as soon as possible.

Read our information about how mental health can effect people and Carers and some suggestions for support if you are worried about your mental health.

The Carers UK Looking after someone guide is divided into the following sections: getting help and support, your finances and your work.

The guide includes:

  • A carer’s guide: an illustrated introduction to the challenges of caring, from making difficult decisions to looking after your health and wellbeing.
  • Benefits: an overview of which benefits you or the person you care for may be entitled to and information about how to get a benefits check.
  • Other financial help: including help with council tax, fuel costs, pensions and health costs.
  • Practical help: including community care assessment, arranging a carer’s assessment and direct payments.
  • Technology: information about health and care technology that could make life easier for you and those you care for.
  • Your workplace: your rights at work, from flexible working and parental leave to protection from discrimination.
  • Other help: how to find other help nationally and in your local community.

See the Carers UK website for other helpful publications.

The Carers Trust website has a series of pages which provides tailored advice and information on caring for people with specific conditions.

Conditions covered include: dementia or Alzheimer’s disease; learning disabilities; alcohol or substance misuse issues; and mental health problems.

Ebooks explaining why a parent is in hospital from Our Time – for children of parents with a mental illness.

Different books are available for different age groups.

eBooks explaining why a parent is in hospital | Our Time

Look at some other organisations who may be able to help you in our FAQ about Helpful Organisations.

Information about Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Read and/or download these documents for additional information for Carers.

Also watch this video which covers:

The Coronavirus Explained & What You Should Do

(click on the ‘x ‘ to close pop-up advertisements on the screen)

See also:  Coronavirus guidance for carers (

Here are links to 2 very helpful documents with COVID-19 Advice for LD/Autism Carers.

One for parent carers of people with LD/Autism/Aspergers:

Resources to support families / carers of people with learning disabilities through the Coronavirus restrictions

And another easy read guide for the person with LD:

Resources to use with people with learning disabilities through the Coronavirus restrictions